Raw Syntax

The stuff programs are made of

Quicksilver, Secure Keyboard Entry, and Single Modifier Activation


I use Quicksilver all the time. Despite its bugs, I prefer it to any of the other launcher type programs that exist. Nevermind the fact that it is more powerful than most of those other programs (Alfred, LaunchBar, etc). The single feature that got me hooked is the ability to bring up the Quicksilver prompt with a single keypress. I have it set up to use the command key.

Other tools like Alfred won't do this (though it does have the command key double tap).

Measuring Slow Code


Over the years I've found myself needing a quick way to measure some slow code. Whether I'm looking at a 100 line function or a 10 line controller action, sometimes I just need some quick print statements to determine which part of the code is slow.

Who Changed My File


I was troubleshooting slow page loads on a server running rails recently. I noticed that DNS was actually causing an occasional problem with pageloads. For whatever reason my /etc/resolv.conf would get overwritten every once in a while with slow / unresponsive DNS servers. I had manually set them to and, but to my suprise the file had been changed.

Emacs 24.1 Is Out


Emacs 24.1 was released yesterday.

Being the first release version of Emacs 24, I'd suggest trying it out. I've been using Emacs 24 since the pretest version started coming out, and even the recent pretests have been stable for me.