Raw Syntax

The stuff programs are made of

Learn Emacs: Editing Javascript


One of my favorite things about emacs is its javascript modes. While there are a million options, I'm only going to talk about how I edit javascript with emacs.

Which Mode do I Use?

I use js2-mode. It provides syntax highlighting and underlines errors as you type. This mode doesn't come with emacs, it was built by Steve Yegge. However it is installable through the ELPA.

One problem I found with this mode is that it has some weird ideas about indentation. I personally prefer the indentation from the built-in js-mode in emacs. After some googling I came across a blogpost on fixing indentation in js2-mode. Starting with that I then made my own modifications and have a js2-mode that works exactly the way I want it (code below).

Editing Javascript in HTML

In my experience I'm not always editing pure .js files. Sometimes I'm editing javascript inside a .haml, .erb, or .html file. The haml-mode I am using is supposed to have easy js-mode integration. However I tried to integrate js2-mode, and it was not simple. Furthermore, the built-in javascript highlighting seems to break on a regular basis. Troubleshooting that problem looked like it was going to take more time than I had. Instead I wrote some elisp to allow me to quickly create a javascript scratch buffer.

Javascript Scratch Buffer

I use this to write javascript and copy / paste between buffers until I'm happy with the code. It's a very simple solution to the problem. It creates a buffer named scratch-js with js2-mode. It's not unlike the elisp scratch buffer that comes up on emacs start up. I don't write javascript all the time, so this solution works pretty well for me.

This is admittedly a stopgap solution. I would prefer to have js2-mode integrated tightly with haml-mode. If anyone else has actually done this, I would love to see the code.
